The upcoming dairy calf rearing webinar will give great insights and will provide an informative discussion on the latest calf milk replacer research and will help you decide on the best milk replacer for your heifer rearing system.

The first few weeks of life for a calf will have the biggest impact on heifer targets and therefore the biggest impact on the profitability of your business.

A good start is half the work and in the case of newborn calves, the best start to life we can give them is to ensure that all calves receive sufficient quantities of high-quality colostrum within the first three hours of life.

As calves go from colostrum to milk powder, it is essential you know what you are feeding your calves to maintain a strong, healthy calf.

The next objective of calf-rearing is to maximise the calf’s growth rate in early life when it is at its most efficient, and to transition the calf from milk to solid feed and properly develop the rumen.

A farm enterprise should be driven by developing better production animals more efficiently and this starts with understanding what you are feeding your calves.

You should always check the label of the calf milk replacer to see what ingredients and product specifications are given.

Dairy calf rearing webinar

Engaging in an upcoming dairy calf rearing webinar being organised by SAC Consulting will help on-line attendees make a more discerning choice when selecting a milk replacer product for pre-weaned calves.

Between 7:00p.m and 8:00p.m on Thursday, June 27, farmers will have the opportunity to participate in an informative discussion about profitable and efficient heifer rearing, as well as hear about the latest calf milk replacer research.

Dr. Lorna Macpherson from SAC Consulting will go beyond the bag declaration label, highlighting what farmers should be looking for from their calf milk replacer product.

In addition, Dr. Jessica Cooke from Volac Milk Replacers Limited will dispel some of the myths surrounding the important investment in early life calf nutrition.

Their combined knowledge will help farmers make the right choice when it comes to early life decision for livestock, as well as assisting in delivering an efficient and profitable rearing plan.

To register for the webinar, click here: Webinar Registration – Zoom and for further information, contact your local Volac Milk Replacers Ireland Ltd representative or email [email protected]