Senator Tim Lombard has reminded farmers who fear having insufficient fodder for winter that they can still withdraw from the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM).
Senator Lombard said that some farmers who are currently chopping straw are worried that they won’t have enough for fodder and bedding due to the “substantial rainfall” in July.
The senator said that from having conversations with farmers in recent days, many were not aware that there was an exception for justified cases.
“While the SIM has been beneficial to farmers in previous years, the heavy rain we’ve had this summer has changed the situation for some who may need to decrease the amount of straw they chop and incorporate,” he said.
“Farmers I’ve spoken to tell me that yields are back as much as three round bales per acre. As a result, they may need to keep more parcels for feed rather than chopping.”
The terms and conditions of the scheme outlined by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) state that “in duly justified cases, withdrawals and reductions may be considered if the applicant has not been notified of an issue with their application or notified of an inspection”.
Farmers can submit an amendment on the department’s website, by stating that straw is required for feed.
Straw Incorporation Measure
SIM is a payment for chopping straw and incorporating it into the soil.
Payment rates under the SIM are €250/ha for barley, wheat, oats and rye, and €150/ha for oilseed rape.
Payments are subject to a minimum application of 5ha and a maximum application of 40ha. The indicative annual allocation for the scheme under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan is €10 million.
Over 70,000ha have been applied for under SIM this year.
“This year’s applicant figures greatly exceed the target of incorporating 55,000ha of straw set out for 2030 in the government’s Climate Action Plan, so there is room for those who need to withdraw to do so while staying within our climate targets,” Senator Lombard said.