Milk processors have been urged to return “every cent” from the market to dairy and livestock farmers as they battle consistently poor weather conditions.
Following a meeting of the National Fodder and Food Security Committee today (Friday, March 29) the president of the Irish Farmers’ Association, Francie Gorman, said that “every effort must be made to support farmers” as rainfall totals continue to be higher than average for this time of year.
According to Met Éireann the week ahead will be “wetter than average across the bulk of the country” with 15-35mm of rain expected and with 40 to 60mm likely in some southern areas.
The IFA president believes milk processors should pay a hardship top up of “at least 3c/Lon all March milk”.
“Processors have to return every cent from the market to dairy and livestock farmers, who have been unable to get out to grass this Spring.
“Banks and credit unions should be offering maximum flexibility to farmers who are tight on cashflow.
“In particular, we need to make sure livestock farmers have access to short-term credit. We also want the Department of Agriculture to fast-track any payments to farmers,” Gorman added.
Milk processors
The IFA president highlighted that dairy farmers have had “a dreadful time with the desperate weather conditions”.
“While falling stocks of fodder, full slurry tanks and the huge additional workload are serious issues, what farmers really need now is a boost to cashflow,” Gorman said.
He believes it is time for co-ops and processors to “step up” and make a top up payment on March milk.
“Processors will not be paying for milk supplied in March until mid to late April.
“They are fully aware of the dire situation their members and suppliers are in before they set the March milk price. They must support them with a much-needed cashflow injection,” he said.
The IFA president also called on the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to introduce a tillage survival scheme to specifically support tillage farmers.
Gorman added: “Last night, we held four online regional meetings chaired by our four regional chairs and joined by our county officers in the region.
“It is clear that farmers are under huge pressure.
“It is important that farmers check in on their neighbours this weekend. Farmers should not be afraid to ask for help.”