6,638 Leaving Cert students are due to sit the written agricultural science exam later this month, according to the State Examinations Commission (SEC).
This marks a significant drop of 11% when compared with the 7,460 students who actually sat the exam in 2023.
6,071 students are expected to sit the ag science higher level paper this year, with 567 taking on the ordinary level exam.
Both the higher and ordinary level papers will be sat between 2:00p.m and 4:30p.m on Monday, June 17.
After an overhaul of the ag science exam in 2021 to allow for an increased choice of questions, students will be asked to complete two sections; Section A has short questions and Section B is the long answer questions.
The written ag science exam accounts for 75% of the available marks, while a project known as an individual investigative study (IIS) which has already been submitted by students is worth 25%.
675 students in Leaving Cert Applied (LCA) are also due to sit the agriculture/horticulture exam from 9:30a.m to 11:00a.m on Wednesday, June 12.
Data released by the SEC today also shows that 224 students appealed their grade in higher level ag science last year, with 102 upgrades being granted.
Leaving Cert
A record breaking 136,160 students began their Leaving and Junior Cert examinations in 817 venues across the country today (Wednesday, June 5).
62,421 students have registered for the 2024 Leaving Certificate exams, including 4,055 who are taking LCA exams, while almost 74,000 are expected to sit junior cycle papers.
Minister for Education Norma Foley sent her best wishes to all students sitting State exams this year.
“It’s the culmination of many, many years of hard work from all of you. I know those years have been challenging, they’ve been daunting and they’ve been demanding, but you have seen it through right to the very end.
“So today and over the coming days, give it your very very best. Good luck to you all,” she said.