Effective slurry storage is critically important, as slurry is one of the most valuable fertiliser sources available to Ireland’s tillage sector.

But this is only the case when it can be applied at those times when the optimal level of crop response will be generated.

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, has confirmed his intention to seek changes to several Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) measures.

These will include the proposed introduction of a dedicated support measure to provide 70% support for manure storage facilities on tillage farms importing livestock manure.

The terms of the scheme will relate only to those arable farmers operating under a contract relationship with livestock producers.

Given that tillage farmers will want to invest in storage capacity only, the most cost-effective solution in this regard is the development of an overground ground slurry store.

Moore Concrete have been utilising this proven Danish technology throughout the island of Ireland and the UK for the past two decades. Moreover, significant numbers of Irish farmers have already invested in this precast concrete technology.

The stores offer the optimum combination of economy, reliability and durability. They fully meet requirements outlined on the DAFM specification for Proprietary Over-Ground Circular Slurry/Effluent Stores and are TAMS 3 approved.

Moore Concrete slurry storage tanks are available in three heights:4.0, 5.0 and 6.0m. This offers a wide range of capacities: from 74,140 gallons (337m3) – 1,034,000 gallons (4700m3). 

The precast concrete elements are secured using post tensioned cables, which are encased in a greased PVC sheath to protect them for the lifetime of the store without maintenance.  

Additionally, the post-tensioned cables form part of the seal, ensuring all joints are in compression.

The Moore Concrete Slurry Store is designed for efficient construction. The client selects and prepares the site for the Overground Slurry Store.

Slurry storage

An engineer will then inspect the ground to assess its suitability and specify the required stone base. Once the stone is laid, compacted, and levelled, the Moore Concrete team will arrive on-site to begin construction.

Lundsby Soft Cover is a tried & tested Danish patented product which has been installed to stores throughout Europe.

The roofs ensure a durable & effective cover for the over-ground store, keeping out rainwater and therefore increasing slurry capacity.

The cover can be installed either at the time of construction of the new store or retro fitted later.

Moore’s over-ground stores can be supplied with a range of ancillary equipment including drawoffs, stirrers, reception tank, platform, ladder & jetter.

Moore Concrete has provided customers with quality precast solutions since its formation in 1978, focusing heavily on innovation driven through discussions with customers to continuously expand its product offering. 

The company operates in three main market sectors: agricultural, building and civil engineering.

The company’s 46 years of experience in the precast concrete industry and ongoing growth has been achieved through continuous investments in new manufacturing facilities and staff to take Moore Concrete to the forefront of the precast industry in the UK.

If you have any questions around Above Ground Slurry stores you can reach Moore Concrete on: 028 2565 2566 or [email protected] or visit their website www.moore-concrete.com.