The harvest is still dragging on in some parts of the country. At the time of going to print, a good few pockets of spring barley were still to be harvested, and crops of winter wheat remained in places.
A good number of crops of beans have went under the knife, while the spring oilseed rape harvest is really only kicking into gear.
As the harvest went on higher, spring barley yields have appeared. Reports of crops in counties Kildare and Wicklow, hitting the 3t/ac mark, were among the few to hit these highs. Parts of Co. Cork reached 2.75t/ac.
Reports to AgriLand of later sown crops in the midlands were of almost 2.5t/ac.
The majority of the story, however, is that of low yields and for many farmers 1.5t/ac was standard this season. KPH was a positive side to the story with the majority at 65 or above.
Beans and peas
Beans went under the knife in many areas, but many crops remain to be cut. There isn’t a lot to shout about in any case. The main picture shows a crop of beans struggling in the drought in July.
Peas were a similar story at a standard yield of 1t/ac in Co. Kildare.
The protein payment will be the only thing saving the majority of crops of beans and peas this year.
Spring oilseed rape
The spring oilseed rape harvest is only kicking off but the prospects for the crop aren’t good as many lost their flowers early. 1-1.5t/ac has been reported to AgriLand so far.