Tractor enthusiasts with a hankering for Ford (and New Holland) specimens descended upon Kilkenny yesterday (Sunday, December 30).
The venue was Kilkenny Mart at Cillin Hill – on the outskirts of the historic town.
The event was organised by the South East Ireland Ford 6 Cylinder club – a collective of like-minded folks who are fanatical about these famous blue-hued tractors.
Yesterday’s event was described as the third annual Ford tractor gathering and ‘Dyno Day’. Well-known New Holland dealership Murphy’s Motors of Glenmore was also centrally involved – ensuring that the dynamometer churned its way through the long line of tractors earmarked for testing.
Funds were being raised for Embrace FARM at the event.
Ford tractors from many eras turned up at Cillin Hill, along with several (later-generation) New Holland units. There were even a couple of Fiat/Fiatagri F (Winner) Series models thrown in for good measure (one of which – an F100 – is pictured below).
There were some Ford-derived tractors present too, including purposeful-looking County workhorses. One of these – a stunning 774 – is pictured below.
What was especially striking was the vast array of 7810 models; quite a number of these were Silver Jubilee versions.
Also Read: Classic corner: Even a troubled story has a ‘silver lining’We counted no less than nine Silver Jubilee tractors, which made for an impressive line-up at the nostalgia-inducing event.
It’s worth noting that the story of the 7810 ‘Silver Jubilee’ model has become something of a legend in tractor circles. At the time of their launch, they proved difficult to shift.
It is generally believed that many were “taken back” to be repainted in standard Ford blue, although it is unlikely to have happened at the factory. Other rumours suggest that some were stripped of their optional extras and sold on as ‘standard’ models at a lower price.
Highly-prized collector’s items
In an interesting twist, they are now highly-prized collector’s items.
Also Read: Over £35,000 for a Ford 7810, albeit a very ‘special’ oneThere were many ‘standard’ blue examples of the 7810 at yesterday’s gathering too, including this striking 2WD machine (pictured below).
Stay tuned to AgriLand for further coverage from this event, including a gallery depicting many other trend-setting Ford tractors from bygone days.