Mart managers are reporting a solid trade all round, with butcher and factory-fit hogget prices back slightly compared to previous weeks.
However, in saying that, well-fleshed hoggets are making €140-145/head in many marts. In general, hoggets weighing between 45kg and 55kg are making anywhere from €120/head up to €140/head.
There is a strong demand for forward stores, with €120/head being paid for hoggets weighing up to 43kg.
Furthermore, there continues to be a good demand for in-lamb ewes, with some marts reporting price increases and decreases for these lots; however, this is mainly due to the quality on offer and the number of lambs the ewes are carrying.
In-lamb ewes are making from €155/head up to €190/head across the country.
Ewes and lambs at foot continue to be a good trade, with prices of up to €150/head being achieved for aged ewes with one lamb at foot.
In general, ewes with one lamb at foot are making up to €190/head, whereas, ewes with two lambs at foot are making up to €270/head.
There continues to be a strong demand for well-fleshed ewes that are fit for the factory. Prices for these lots are ranging from €130/head up to €160/head.
Feeding ewes are making between €60/head up to €100/head.
Baltinglass Mart
Baltinglass Mart held its weekly sheep sale on Saturday last, March 7. There was a very strong trade across the board, with a 100% clearance rate on the day, according to the mart manager, Tom Coleman.
Similar to previous weeks, butcher and factory-fit hoggets made from €125/head up to €140/head.
There was plenty of farmer interest for store hoggets, with 34-35kg stores making up to €93/head.
Sample hogget prices:
- 17 hoggets weighing 53kg sold for €140/head;
- 30 hoggets weighing 53kg sold for €137/head;
- 12 hoggets weighing 55kg sold for €136/head;
- Two hoggets weighing 47kg sold for €133/head;
- Seven hoggets weighing 44kg sold for €112/head;
- 10 hoggets weighing 45kg sold for €120/head.
Raphoe Mart
Raphoe Mart held its weekly sheep sale on Monday, March 2. There was a good entry of sheep on the day, with a steady trade for all classes of sheep on offer, according to the mart manager Anne Harkin.
Butcher hoggets weighing up to 55kg made up to €139/head, with the best of the store hoggets making up to €120/head.
Ewes with one lamb at foot made between €150/head up to €190/head. Whereas, ewes with two lambs at foot made between €200/head up to €270/head.
Cast ewes made from €60/head for lighter types up to €146/head for heavier types.
Sample hogget prices:
- 30-34kg: €85-100/head;
- 35-38kg: €100-110/head;
- 38-43kg: €110-120/head;
- 44-47kg: €120-130/head;
- 48-55kg: €130-139/head.
Roscommon Mart
There was a large entry of sheep on offer at Roscommon Mart on Wednesday last, March 4.
Hoggets made up to €140/head on the day. There was a good entry of in-lamb ewes, with prices for these lots ranging from €100/head up to €162/head. Stag ewes made from €70/head up to €112/head.
In-lamb ewes made from €100/head up to €162/head. Ewes with two lambs at foot made up to €228/head, while ewes with one lamb at foot made up to €190/head.
Sample butcher and factory-fit hogget prices:
- 59.7kg: €140/head;
- 56.3kg: €138/head;
- 56.8kg: €137/head;
- 53.2kg: €135/head;
- 48kg: €130/head;
- 49.3kg: €129/head.
Dowra Mart
Dowra Mart held its weekly sheep sale on Friday last, March 6. There was a large entry of sheep on the day, with factory-fit hogget prices back slightly compared to previous weeks, according to the mart manager, Patsy Smyth.
There was a good trade for in-lamb ewes, with prices stronger compared to the previous week.
Factory-fit hoggets made from €119/head up to €138/head, with forward store hoggets making from €97/head up to €108/head.
Sample factory-fit hogget prices:
- 12 hoggets weighing 56kg sold for €138/head;
- 14 hoggets weighing 51kg sold for €135.50/head;
- Nine hoggets weighing 50kg sold for €135/head;
- 29 hoggets weighing 52kg sold for €134/head;
- 10 hoggets weighing 47kg sold for €129/head;
- 12 hoggets weighing 46kg sold for €126/head;
- 22 hoggets weighing 45kg sold for €123/head.
Tullow Mart
There was over 1,200 sheep on offer at Tullow Mart on Tuesday last, March 3. AgriLand made the trip down to see what the trade was like on the day.
There was plenty of competition between farmers and factory agents for well-fleshed butcher hoggets, with prices for these lots upwards of €140/head.
Hoggets weighing 45-50kg made between €120/head up to €130/head, while lots weighing 40-45kg made between €115-120/head.
Butcher ewes weighing upwards of 95kg were a very strong trade, with prices ranging between €132/head and €160/head – depending on the quality and flesh cover.
Feeding ewes were also a solid trade, with ewes weighing up to 70kg making up to €98/head.
There was a lively trade for good-quality in-lamb ewes. However, prices were back as much as €10/head compared to the previous week. In general, prices for these lots ranged between €158/head and €170/head.
There was a strong number of ewes with lambs at foot on offer for the time of year.
In general, prices for ewes with two lambs at foot ranged between €180/head and €230/head – depending on the quality and age of the ewe.
Sample hogget prices:
- Seven hoggets weighing 36kg sold for €91/head;
- 21 hoggets weighing 51kg sold for €132/head;
- 20 hoggets weighing 50kg sold for €132/head;
- 10 hoggets weighing 50kg sold for €133/head;
- 15 hoggets weighing 48kg sold for €128/head;
- Two hoggets weighing 30kg sold for €72/head;
- Two hoggets weighing 38kg sold for €115/head;
- Six hoggets weighing 32kg sold for €88/head.