The total expenditure of the Irish agricultural authority Teagasc amounted to €149 million last year, excluding pensions, which is an increase on the previous year, according to the agency’s annual report and accounts for 2019.
This money went into a variety of services including: education and advisory services; environmental research; and investments in projects.
State grant-in-aid for current operations of €130.373 million, and for capital purposes of €5.32 million, was received in 2019, the organisation said.
Knowledge transfer income fell by €1.05 million (4.7%), while research income rose by €1.49 million (8.4%).
In knowledge transfer there was a reduction in advisory services income of €0.57 million as a result of there being less scheme related advisory and training work compared to previous years, the agency said.
The increase in income in research was mainly due to increased activity on externally funded research projects.
Total expenditure in 2019, excluding pensions, was €149 million, which was €3 million more than in 2018.
Chairman of the Teagasc Authority Liam Herlihy said that the highlights in 2019 included a €10 million investment in Moorepark Technology Limited (MTL) by Teagasc and industry stakeholders that has provided state-of-the-art pilot plant facilities for food companies to utilise.
A further €10 million investment in the National Food Innovation Hub in Teagasc Moorepark commenced in 2019 and has progressed through 2020.
Both of these initiatives will assist food companies to adapt to, and meet, the needs of an ever-changing consumer, the authority says.
On the topic of education and advisory services, Teagasc director Prof. Gerry Boyle said: “Teagasc experienced an exceptional level of demand and enrolments across its key education programmes in the period 2014 to 2019.
“In 2019, total certifications amounted to 4,078.
This increase has been driven by a surge in demand for Teagasc adult Green Cert courses from those seeking a recognised trained farmer qualification to meet young farmer focussed schemes under the national RDP programme.
Turning to the figures for Teagasc advisory services, the director said:
“In 2019 the 12 advisory regions served nearly 42,000 farmer clients with consultations, farm visits and scheme applications.
“A total of 11,300 of those clients participate in enterprise-based Discussion Groups: 424 drystock, 286 in dairying, and 37 for tillage.
Advisory support was also provided in farm business management, succession and inheritance, diversification.
“Teagasc specialists delivered support in horticulture, forestry, pig and poultry production, equine husbandry and organic farming,” Prof. Boyle concluded.