The overall production of cereals for the country in 2014 is estimated to be close on 2.5 million tonnes, up 7% on 2013 according to Teagasc.
In a report on the 2013/2014 season Teagasc says a favourable grain fill period and settled fine weather during the harvest all contributed to the high yields and ensured that grain quality was excellent.
It says the national yields of the main cereal crops were all above five-year trend figures for the second year in a row.
Grain quality was excellent in 2014 with many wheat samples above 80kg/hl and barley above 70kg/hl, Teagasc have noted.
According to the Teagasc harvest report the total cereal area harvested in 2014 was 302,700ha, similar to the 2013 harvested area.
There were, however, some large swings within the various cereals, with winter cereals returning to their normal area at the expense of spring barley mainly, it found.
The large reduction in spring oats is probably due to unfavourable market conditions (forward prices) in spring 2014, which resulted from the overhang of oats produced in 2013.
Also, Teagasc says the excellent autumn of 2013 did extend the drilling window into early November, which may account for some of the increase in winter oats.