The mart trade has got off to a flying start, with top prices of €167-175/head being seen at sales today (Monday, March 1).
Mart managers reported highs of €160-165/head mainly last week; however, this week, the trade has pushed on once again, with 50kg plus hoggets generally selling upwards of €155/head, with many now moving at prices of above €160/head.
48-49kg hogget at sales also traded very strongly today, with prices of €145/head up to €160/head being seen.
Some sheep sales which took place today were Kilkenny, Ennis and Athenry.
Athenry Mart
A smashing trade was seen at Athenry Mart this morning for hoggets, with a top price of €175/head seen for a pen weighing 57kg.
Overall, the trade was excellent for all types of hoggets on offer. 35-40kg lots sold from €103/head up to €114/head. Furthermore, 40-45kg hoggets made from €100/head up to €143/head.
45-49kg lots traded from €3.02/kg up to €3.26/kg, with many selling from €142/head up to €160/head.
Lastly, 50kg plus hogget prices ranged from €2.56/kg up to €3.29/kg. The top-quality lots on offer on the day made from €168/head up to €175/head.
Sample finished hogget prices:
- 18 at 57kg sold for €175/head or €3.07/kg;
- 17 at 55.5kg sold for €171/head or €3.08/kg;
- 11 at 53kg sold for €169/head or €3.18/kg;
- 12 at 51kg sold for €168/head or €3.29/kg;
- Five at 49kg sold for €160/head or €3.26/kg;
- Four at 49.5kg sold for €156/head or €3.15/kg;
- Eight at 49kg sold for €148/head or €3.08/kg.
Kilkenny Mart
A small sale of sheep (200 head) was met with an “electric trade” at Kilkenny Mart this morning according to the mart’s auctioneer, George Candler.
A top call of €167/head for 59kg hoggets was seen, with top quality 50kg plus lots selling upwards of €156/head.
Heavy cull ewes peaked at €140/head.
Sample finished hogget prices:
- 22 at 61kg sold for €164/head or €2.69/kg;
- 10 at 58kg sold for €167/head or €2.88/kg;
- Eight at 56kg sold for €162/head or €2.89/kg;
- Seven at 51kg sold for €164/head or €3.22/kg;
- Eight at 50kg sold for €156/head or €3.12/kg;
- 17 at 48kg sold for €145/head or €3.20/kg.
Ennis Mart
Martin McNamara of Ennis Mart reported a very strong trade for finished hoggets, adding that the trade is going from strength to strength.
Prices for those well-fleshed hoggets breached €3/kg on numerous occasions, with a top price of €168/head being achieved for a pen of 10 weighing 55kg.
There were very store lambs on offer he noted. Cull ewes were also a “cracking trade” and made from €75 for stores up to €137/head for heavy culls.
Sample finished hogget prices:
- 10 at 55kg sold for €168/head or €3.05/kg;
- 10 at 52.5kg sold for €167/head or €3.18/kg;
- 12 at 50.5kg sold for €166/head or €3.28/kg;
- 11 at 48.5kg sold for €154/head or €3.17/kg;
- 12 at 54.5kg sold for €165/head or €3.03/kg;
- Eight at 49kg sold for €160/head or €3.26/kg;
- 11 at 47.5kg sold for €157/head or €3.30/kg.