When applying fertiliser to winter wheat Teagasc advises to apply the phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) with the first application of nitrogen (N) if not already applied. It says to apply 40-50kg/ha of N as the first split in mid March.
Teagasc says to increase rates to 75kg/ha in second wheat or where take-all is a risk. It advises to generally divide the N applications one-quarter/half/one-quarter between the three splits.
“Apply the main split by growth stage (GS) 31 and the last split by GS 39. Recent Oak Park trials have shown that early N (early March) in wheat can be inefficient as it only takes 30kg N/ha to produce 1,000 shoots/m2 in wheat and barley,” Teagasc says.
Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)
Teagasc advises to apply 2.0L/ha of Chlorocholine Chloride (CCC) 75% at GS 30/31 (late March/early April). Teagasc says that other options include Canopy, Meteor, Moddus, and K2 and that for best effect, apply all PGRs during a period of growth.
Teagasc says that trial work has consistently shown no yield benefits from using a fungicide but it can be used as a little insurance to correctly time the T1 to the third last leaf fully emerged.
Teagasc recommends using chlorothalonil (e.g., Bravo) at T0 and this generally will not be applied until late March/early April with your PGR spray. It says to avoid using a triazole (Gleam, Opus, etc.) at T0 as it may compromise your septoria control later in the season.
Teagasc also says to split plants and count internal leaves to get the T1 timing correct – don’t rely on growth stage alone. Teagasc will be texting clients with growth stages again in 2015 so ask your adviser to be put on the list.