Farming has always been changing, it never stands still, and the constant renewal of the machinery fleet is testament to this simple truth.
The machines we use to farm are one of the more obvious indicators of this constant development. They are visible to those on the land and those passing by in their cars and so are often a gauge of progress.
It is rare, though, for a dramatic innovation to overturn agricultural methods overnight. Innovation is incremental, and catching just a few of those gains as they happen is not always the most straightforward of tasks.
New machinery or the old revamped?
It is often the case that some slight alteration to a machine’s specification is trumpeted loudly throughout the hills and valleys while another, fairly major invention, can slip by with hardly a whisper.
The significance of an alteration or completely new machine is rarely apparent, only time can pronounce the verdict upon what will last and what will fade, and often, inventions will make the most impact in ways which were never foreseen.
Whatever the eventual importance of a new device or technique, the majesty of machinery working the land is still captivating for many of us, and so here are a few of my favourite moments caught by camera.
Keep an eye on Agriland for part two of the Machinery Focus photo review, next time looking back at the people and places.