If you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of TAMS II you could be penalised by up to 100%, the Department of Agriculture says.
The support claimed shall be refused or withdrawn in full where the eligibility criteria are not complied with, it says.
Those found to be in-compliant with farm waste and farm nutrient storage requirements, dairy hygiene or animal welfare regulations as a result of an on-farm inspection will be cross reported to the relevant section of the Department, may result in penalties or sanctions.
Offences and Penalties
It will also recoup 100% of the grant if the investment is used for purposes other than those intended for a period of five years after date of the final payment in respect of the investment grant aided.
Failure to inform the Department at least five working days before the final fix of steel reinforcement and before the pouring of concrete (Card A which is issued with approval documents) will result in a 5% reduction in grant aid for relevant investments.
If you fail to submit an approval from the Local Planning Authority to the structural change with the payment claim form may result in a 5% reduction in grant aid.
An over-claim of investment(s) dimension/quantities by more than 3% will result in a subtraction of over-claimed dimension/quantities from dimension/quantities found at inspection to determine dimension/quantities for payment.
An over-claim of investment(s) dimension/quantities by more than 25% will result in a 100% reduction in grant aid for relevant investment(s).
If you over-claim eligible expenditure by more than 10% there will be a subtraction of over-claim from eligible amount payable.
a) Deficiency found at first pre-payment inspection will result in a 10% reduction in grant aid for relevant investment(s).
b) Deficiency found at second pre-payment inspection will result in a 100% reduction in grant aid for relevant investment(s).
Failure to apply with publicity requirements as set out in Paragraph 13.1 may attract a 1% reduction from the payment.
Investment work commenced or equipment purchased prior to approval (calculations based on lesser of proposed or reference costs) could result in the following:
- Less than 25% of the value of investments applied for will result in the rejection of relevant investments.
- Greater than or equal to 25% of the value of investments applied for will result in the rejection of the entire application.