An online interactive risk-assessment (OiRA) tool to efficiently support farm safety has been launched yesterday (Wednesday, March 9) by representatives of the European Social Partners in Agriculture.
The tool aims to assess and manage work-related risks in agriculture, increase the occupational safety and health (OSH) standards while simplifying the compliance requirements for employers.
Providing risk statements and pre-defined solutions, the OiRA tool focuses on livestock, horticultural and fruit production.
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), which supported the development of the tool, stated:
“Proper risk assessment is of vital importance to improve the protection of workers and save lives in one of the sectors with the highest fatality rates.”
Representatives of the European Social Partners in Agriculture, the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) and the Employers’ Group of Copa-Cogeca (GEOPA), launched and developed the online tool.
Risk-assessment tool
The online tool uses internationally recognised technology for OSH practices, the social partners said, and can be used to monitor social conditionality which was recently included in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027.
Under social conditionality, CAP payments will be linked to certain EU labour standards and beneficiaries will be incentivised to enhance working conditions on farms, according to the European Commission.
This OiRA tool for agriculture is the most comprehensive to date, the social partners said, and serves the needs of both employers and workers while contributing to the future of farms and agro-cooperatives in the EU.
OiRA tools are currently available for 12 different sectors, however this tool is the fist one available to all EU member states.
Farm safety
Plenty of risks in the agricultural sector are related to accidents such as falling from heights and working with heavy machinery, according to the EU-OSHA.
Exposure to chemicals as well as risks related to installations, confined spaces and lone working are issues faced by agricultural workers on a daily basis.
Risks are also related to handling animals, farm vehicles, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and psychosocial issues, the EU-OSHA said.
The OiRA tool for agriculture will also contribute to the attractiveness of the sector, according to the social partners, EFFAT and GEOPA.