Former Teagasc/FBD student of the year and current Nuffield scholar, Kevin Moran is to host an Aurivo farm walk on his Co. Galway dairy farm,
The walk has been rescheduled for this Friday, July 24.
The young farmer from Caherlistrane milks 100 cows on 35ha he leases from his uncle and this Friday will open his farm to milk suppliers in the region to learn more about best management practices on a dairy farm.
At the event Galway milk suppliers will learn about best practice on efficient milk production from Aurivo and Teagasc dairy experts.
The aim of the programme is to support all dairy farmers in ensuring future profitability for farm families and sustainable milk production in the region.
Having won the most improved somatic cell count (SCC) at the 2014 Aurivo Milk Quality Award, Kevin will inform attendees how is currently operating and what targets he has set for the future and how he will achieve them in relation to grassland, breeding and financial management.
Researchers and advisors from Aurivo and Teagasc will be on hand to give advice on all aspects of dairy farm management, Aurivo says.
Kevin says that as a young farmer he recognises the importance of learning new farm management methods in order to keep your farm running as efficiently and as profitable as possible.
“This new initiative between my cooperative Aurivo and Teagasc, is the perfect opportunity for dairy farmers in the region to visit my farm to learn about best farming practices including grasslands management.
Grass is our cheapest source of feed, so if we efficiently manage that, it reduces our overall costs and contributes to our profitability.
“The Farm Profitability Programme, is an opportunity for dairy farmers to share our experiences and expertise in an open forum that will facilitate discussion and debate.
“I would encourage all Aurivo dairy suppliers in the region to sign up, take part in the initiative and come down to my farm to see how these methods and theorys work in practice,” he said.
Roberta McDonald, Farm Profitability Programme Manager, Aurivo said that it wants all its dairy suppliers in the Galway region to be equipped with the latest knowledge and training to ensure they are operating at optimal efficiency and they are as profitable as possible.
“The establishment of this Aurivo Teagasc Focus Farm in Caherlistrane allows us to demonstrate to our dairy suppliers in the Galway region the application of proven research and to benchmark best practice on efficient milk production.
“They will have the opportunity to learn and put into place best practice to ensure their farms are as efficient and profitable as possible,” she said.
The focus farm event on the farm starts at 11am and runs until 1pm.
The focus farm areas are:
- Moate, Co. Westmeath.
- Shrule, Co. Galway.
- Strokestown, Co. Roscommon.
- Ballina, Co. Mayo.
- Templeboy, Co. Sligo.
- Manorcunningham, Co. Donegal.