An increased area of winter oilseed rape will be achieved this season – possibly up to 20,000ha according to the latest Teagasc crop report.
This is a direct result of an earlier-than-normal finish to the harvest and the strong, forward prices that are available now
In essence, we have seen an almost doubling of the rape area grown in Ireland, relative to a number of years ago.
The majority of crops have reached target plant populations, although a small number of crops struggled in dry soils.
In addition, there were a few cases of slug damage despite the dry weather at planting. There are no reports of cabbage stem flea beetle damage.
Several weed control strategies were employed by growers this season, largely driven by dry weather conditions and product availability.
Metazachlor-based products (Katamaran Turbo etc.) applied pre-emergence or early post-emergence have largely given successful control of target broad-leaved weeds.
But volunteer cereals are problematic and need to be controlled with a suitable graminicide (Stratos Ultra/Falcon etc.) if not already done.
Seed rates
With drilling of winter cereals having already started there have been many questions posed about the required seed rates for the different crops and varieties.
As always, the rates used last season may not be exactly correct for the current season as the thousand grain weight (TGW) for 2022 crops will have been different than those harvested in 2021. As a consequence, the seed rates may well have to be adjusted to reflect this.
With drilling now underway for harvest 2023, growers’ attention will quickly turn to controlling weeds in sown crops.
Over the last number of years there has been a consistent shift to using herbicides, pre-emergence, to improve control of grass weeds in particular.
There are many reports of slug damage in winter oilseed rape crops, which is surprising given the dry autumn we have had up to this point.
A number of crops were very badly grazed badly grazed with some having to be re-drilled.
This serves as a warning as regards cereal crops being drilled at the present time. In cases where straw was chopped at harvest, the risk of slug attack is further heightened.
Heavy rain has fallen across the country over the past 24 hours. If this was to be repeated at any stage over the coming days, ground conditions would start to deteriorate dramatically.
The weather forecast for the coming days gives it changeable enough with a heavier spell of heavier rain coming our way later in the week.