Who would have thought that in a little over two years, Agriland would have become the largest agricultural news publisher in Ireland?
Back in 2013, everyone was busy telling us ‘farmers wouldn’t do digital’ and that we were doomed to fail as digital could never compete with the established print media.
However, thanks to you, our readers, Agriland has now become the number one resource for all agricultural and farming based news in Ireland.
Last month alone, we had in excess of 200,000 individual visitors to the site catching up with all the latest news and updates from the agricultural sector.
And we’re continuing to innovate as opposed to imitate with the launch of our #farmfree competition, Ireland’s largest ever totally free to enter competition. No need to buy weeks of newspapers or expensive subscriptions!
Click Here To Enter #farmfree Competition
As always our development team have also been busy here at Agriland and over the last few weeks and months, based on feedback from you, our users we have just launched an updated version of our news app.
Some of the new features in the app include:
- Dedicated Ploughing Championships section
- Infinite Scrolling – allowing you to read as many stories as you like
- Read More Section – so you can easily move to the next story
- Improved Galleries – flick through pictures with greater ease
- Refreshed interface
- Ability to click links and enlarge images
- Performance improvements to the app to keep it speedy!
With more to come!
So make sure you update your app now to get all the new features that are on offer