The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) will commence an “intensive farm safety inspection campaign” beginning next Monday, January 28.
There will be a focus on the safe management of livestock during calving season when the risk of injury to farmers increases significantly.
A statement from the HSA explained that livestock is the number one cause of accidents on Irish farms – accounting for 42% of all injuries.
In relation to fatalities, incidents involving livestock are the second most common cause.
Senior inspector with the HSA Pat Griffin explained: “Although 2018 saw a 40% decline in farm fatalities, there are still far too many deaths in the agriculture sector as well as a substantial number of very serious injuries.
Working with livestock is a key incident trigger and there is no room for complacency among farmers.
“During calving period, increased fatigue and stress levels are common. However, early planning and preparation can make a significant difference in the safe management of livestock and help prevent injury or even death”.
- Is there a plan in place to minimise the risk of attack from a cow when handling a calf to tag, dip navel or stomach tube?
- Has an adequate physical barrier been established between the farmer and the freshly calved cow when tagging, treating and handling calves?
- Are facilities and procedures adequate for loading and unloading animals?
Continuing, Griffin explained: “Good handling facilities and holding areas where cows can be monitored remotely are important and can help reduce farmer fatigue.
“Well-prepared calving units with clean bedding, calving gates and the necessary equipment will ensure safety and reduce stress both on farmers and on the animal.”
Griffin concluded: “With much of calving happening during short and often dull days, or at night, farmers are encouraged to have plenty of well-positioned lights in calving units and around the farmyard as this will greatly improve visibility and safety.”
A wide range of free guidance material in relation to livestock and other farm safety hazards is available on the Authority’s website.