A sheep farmer in Co. Derry has had 43 of his flock of Blackface hoggets stolen in an overnight raid.
According to the owner, there is distinct orange markings on both the head and neck of the stolen sheep.
This incident is one of the latest in a number of livestock thefts to have taken place across the country.
Investigations ongoing
Investigations are still ongoing into the theft of a number of sheep and lambs in Co. Kerry, according to An Garda Síochána.
In a statement to AgriLand, a spokesperson for An Garda Síochána confirmed that it received two separate reports relating to the theft of animals at a premises in Coomasaharn, Glenbeigh, on July 2.
A number of sheep and lambs were reported stolen from the location. No arrests have been made.
Garda Colm O Cuiv made an appeal on Radio Kerry in recent days for anyone who may have noticed anything untoward at a mart or around the county.
He said that one flock had eight sheep taken in the first incident, and the second incident was involving the theft of 19 lambs.
46 Lambs Stolen From Farm In Longford
Meanwhile, in Co. Longford, investigations are ongoing after a large number of lambs were stolen from a farm, according to An Garda Síochána.
The animals were stolen from a farm in Newtownforbes, to the west of the county.
They were taken at some point between Saturday, September 12, and Saturday, September 16, the Garda representative added.