ABP’s recently launched Advantage Beef Programme is the first integrated beef scheme in Ireland to pay a sustainability bonus to farmers.
The programme is open to beef, dairy and suckler farmers and will see the beef processor pay an additional 20c/kg on all animals reared to agreed protocols.
A contractual agreement is available to participating farmers from ABP on bonuses, and a minimum base price for animals meeting the required specification.
What cattle are eligible?
Participation in the Advantage Beef Programme is subject to the cattle meeting the following requirements:
- The animal must be purchased from a Bord Bia Quality Assured (QA) herd;
- The animal must be reared all of its life in a Bord Bia Quality Assured herd (all of life in an Advantage Beef Programme herd not required);
- All breeds of cattle are eligible, with the exception of Jersey cattle or beef cattle with 12.5% Jersey breeding or any other extreme dairy breeds;
- Cattle sourced from dairy and beef herds are both eligible;
- Steers and heifers must be a minimum of 12 months (365 days) on the finishing farm;
- Young bulls (under-16 months) must be a minimum six months (183 days) on the finishing farm;
- The animal must have a maximum of one movement (two residencies) to be eligible;
- However, there is an exception of one extra movement for animals that have been reared in a contracted-rearing system;
- The farm must be an ABP-approved rearing farm and calves must be moved onto the finishing farm before reaching five months of age;
- Farmers must have a minimum of 20 cattle/finisher herd to be eligible;
- Steers, heifers and young bulls are all eligible for the scheme (maximum of 10% of scheme cattle to be young bulls);
- Suckler-bred young bulls will be prioritised over dairy-bred bulls and all bulls entering the programme will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The pricing structure
The programme’s pricing structure is as follows:
- A sustainability bonus of €0.20/kg will be paid on all Advantage Beef Programme cattle meeting the scheme requirements;
- All prices are in addition to the relevant Quality Assurance (QA) Bonus;
- All cattle will be paid on the average quoted price (AQP) for steers and heifers of the seven ABP/Slaney plants on the week of slaughter on the grid;
- By way of verification, the AQP will not diverge by more than €0.05/kg from the AQP for all of the listed plants in the country as published in the Irish agri media;
- The AQP will be the same for steers, heifers and young bulls under 16 months;
- A Breed Bonus will be paid for the Angus breed;
- A Hereford bonus will be paid to existing Hereford Prime members who supply Hereford cattle to ABP;
- Contractual obligation made to the farmer by ABP on bonuses and minimum base price for animals meeting the required spec.
The pricing structure of the programme will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Genetic Merit
The Advantage Beef Programme aims to have all 2023-born calves genotyped prior to finishing.
Calves born in 2021 will not need a minimum genetic merit threshold and do not need a sire recorded to be eligible for the programme.
A target of 20% of animals will be genotyped in year one of the programme and a sire must be recorded for calves born in 2022 if they are to be eligible.
Sustainability Measures
To participate in the programme, farmers must be involved in one
of the following environmental or biodiversity schemes:
- Beef Data Genomics Programme (BDGP);
- Results-based, Environmental-Agri Pilot Project (REAP);
- Beef Environmental Efficiency Programme – Sucklers (BEEP-S);
- Green Low Carbon Agri Environment Scheme;
- Soil Improvement Programme;
- Dairy Beef Calf Scheme.
Additional environmental or biodiversity schemes may be included following the introduction of the new CAP and will also be accepted.
In addition to being a member of one of the above schemes, the criteria below is also required:
- Must have a farm Nutrient Management Plan;
- All calves must be bred from a sire with a minimum Slaughter or Terminal Index Value (starting from 2023);
- Animals will only receive the Sustainability Bonus and minimum price if they are within their carcass type, age and specification.
Animal health and welfare
The animal health and welfare requirements are outlined below in line with the Bord Bia Quality Assurance (QA) Standard:
- Animal remedies to be recorded throughout the animal’s life including vaccines, antibiotics and health incidence;
- All animal remedies on record to be made available to ABP on request;
- Farmers must have animal health plan developed in conjunction with their vet;
- All other welfare measures above standard will be reviewed and paid accordingly;
- All participating farmers will receive guidelines on animal health and welfare including vaccination programmes.
Management and Feed
Requirements regarding management and feed are outlined below. Farmers are free to purchase feed from a supplier that suits them best so long as it is from a Universal Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS) or a Bord Bia approved mill.
- Regular weighings: these feed into the ICBF database (minimum two weighings/lifetime, these scales are available from most Coops);
- All feed records to be recorded and made available to ABP on request;
- All feed must be purchased from UFAS or Bord Bia-approved mill;
- Nutrition guidelines are developed by industry experts;
- All participating farmers will receive animal nutrition guidelines.
Carcass Specification
The carcass specifications for an animal to become eligible is as follows:
- Heifer (Suckler bred): 230-380kg carcass weight and a fat score ranging between 2+ and 4+ with a maximim age of 26 months;
- Heifer (Dairy bred): 230-360kg carcass weight and a fat score ranging between 2+ and 4+ with a maximum age of 24 months;
- Steer (Suckler bred): 270-400kg carcass weight and a fat score ranging between 2+ and 4+ with a maximum age of 28 months;
- Steer (Dairy Bred): 250-380kg carcass weight with a fat score ranging between 2+ and 4+ and a maximum age of 26 months;
- Young Bulls: 280-400kg carcass weight with a fat score ranging from 2+ to 4+ and under-16 months of age.
Prior to purchase of Young Bulls for the programme, a farmer must agree with their factory site and a maximum of 10% of young bulls under 16 months will qualify for the programme.
All cattle in the programme will recieve the sustainability bonus for carcass confirmation from an E to a P however, the target is to achieve a P+ grade or greater and a fat score between a 2+ and a 4+.
About the Advantage Beef Programme
The Advantage Beef Programme is the application of over seven years of research and a natural next step following the abolition of milk quotas and the resulting increase in the numbers of dairy-beef cattle in Ireland.
The beef processing enterprise began working with Teagasc and the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) in advance of the abolition of milk quotas in an effort to look at ways of improving the genetic make up of dairy-beef calves to improve their suitability for beef production.
There were two elements to the research, the first involved genetic research and its application across different herd types while the second looked at a more efficiencies through farm-rearing systems.
This second approach involved the application of the principles of ABP’s Blade Farming Model which has been in operation for over 20 years.
Today, over 4,000 animals have been involved in the research and ABP has also developed a second demonstration farm in the UK with its research partner – Harper Adams University.
The data and results from both farms is clear: Animals of higher genetic merit reared in a more efficient manner result in better outcomes for the environment and improved financial returns for the farmer.
The Advantage Beef Programme is an all inclusive scheme with the aim of helping to build a secure, sustainable business model for Irish beef farmers and their families.
The scheme, which is open to dairy, beef and suckler farmers is an integrated sustainable beef production scheme which is based on genetic enhancement and improved rearing efficiencies.
It guarantees participants an industry first, sustainability bonus of 20c/kg on the adherence to various breeding and rearing protocols.
Its focus is on all-year-round cattle production and is aimed at producing cattle at a younger age and as a result, reducing emissions.
The key components of the Advantage Beef Programme are as follows:
- Advantage is open to beef, dairy and suckler farmers;
- A minimum base price is guaranteed once the per agreed protocols are adhered to;
- All participants will have access to the very best in genetics;
- There will be ongoing support from ABP’s Advantage Beef team;
- Participants will have access to the latest innovations in beef production systems and will benefit from knowledge transfer opportunities;
- Participating farmers are free to purchase feed from a supplier that suits them best;
- Advantage farmers will receive the latest information on animal nutrition and best practice on calf rearing and beef finishing.
More information on the Advantage Beef Programme is available by clicking here.