The board of Aurivo has today (Wednesday, March 20) confirmed the milk price it will pay farmers for supplies made in February.
The processor announced that it has increased the February base milk price by 0.75c/L when compared with the previous month.
This means that suppliers will be offered a base price of 39c/L, inclusive of standard bonuses and VAT.
Aurivo said that manufacturing milk will receive an additional early calving bonus of 3.15c/L, bringing the base to 42.15c/L.
This converts to the equivalent of 45.88C/L at EU standard constituents 3.4% protein and 4.2% butterfat, the processor said.
Milk price
Earlier today, Arrabawn announced that it was increasing the price paid to members for milk supplied last month by 1c/L to 38.9c/L.
This follows an increase from the processor’s last announcement of 1c/L for January.
Arrabawn are also paying a 3c/L winter bonus on February milk supplies.
Carbery also announced its price for supplies today, with an increase in base price by 2c/L.
The processor is also continuing to support the milk price from its Stability Fund with a contribution of 1.5c/L.
If this decision is replicated across the four west Cork co-ops; Bandon, Barryroe, Drinagh and Lisavaird, this will result in an average price of 41.67c/L.
The February price is inclusive of VAT, 0.5c/L Somatic Cell Count (SCC) bonus, FutureProof sustainability bonus and Stability Fund support.