Aisling O'Brien

Aisling O

Aisling O’Brien graduated from Dublin City University (DCU) with a masters in journalism and also holds a bachelor of arts from University College Cork (UCC). Since 2007, the Kerry native has worked in broadcast media, including Radio Kerry, where she presented the weekly farming show for six years. Aisling has won several awards for her work, including Best Radio Show at the Irish Guild of Agricultural Journalism awards.

Agri-environmental project aiming to rebuild healthy soil
Agri-environmental project aiming to rebuild healthy soil

16 Irish farms are embarking on a European Union (EU) backed project focused on rebuilding healthy soil. The European Innovation...

Nitrates declaration forms must be submitted soon
Nitrates declaration forms must be submitted soon

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) is reminding farmers that nitrates declaration forms must be submitted before...

Copa-Cogeca: Animal transport review needs solid science
Copa-Cogeca: Animal transport review needs solid science

Any revisions to animal transport should be based on solid science, according to the representative body for farmers and cooperatives...

DAFM to lead trade mission to US to promote sheepmeat
DAFM to lead trade mission to US to promote sheepmeat

The Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) is to lead a trade mission to the US next spring...

Farm Assist Christmas bonus to be paid next week
Farm Assist Christmas bonus to be paid next week

Farm Assist recipients will get their Christmas bonus next week, Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys has confirmed. They are...

Markets and carbon sequestration to be discussed at forestry webinars
Markets and carbon sequestration to be discussed at forestry webinars

Species selection, biomass and carbon sequestration are among the topics that are set to be explored at a series of...

€7m ‘saving’ moved from forestry to other schemes
€7m ‘saving’ moved from forestry to other schemes

€7 million in capital expenditure is being moved from the forestry budget, according to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and...

Cuffe letter to banks is ‘wholly unacceptable’ – Murphy
Cuffe letter to banks is ‘wholly unacceptable’ – Murphy

An independent TD has joined in calls for clarity about a letter sent by Green Party MEP, Ciarán Cuffe to...

Minister rules out increasing ceiling in Straw Incorporation Measure
Minister rules out increasing ceiling in Straw Incorporation Measure

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue has ruled out increasing the ceiling for eligible land under...

Organic milk producers face 24% cost shortfall – report
Organic milk producers face 24% cost shortfall – report

Organic milk producers in Germany currently face a 24% shortfall in relation to costs, according to a new report. The...