Hugh Harney

Hugh Harney Profile Picture

Hugh Harney hails from an autumn/spring calving dairy farm in Eadestown, just outside Naas, Co. Kildare. He secured a dairy business degree from University College Dublin (UCD) and spent an extended period on a 1,000 cow dairy farm in New Zealand.

Notable drop in grass growth rates seen on many farms
Notable drop in grass growth rates seen on many farms

Following the warm June bank holiday weekend, temperatures have dropped significantly, which has seen grass growth rates fall back on...

Judging underway for Kildare Holstein Friesian Breeders Club
Judging underway for Kildare Holstein Friesian Breeders Club

The judging of pedigree holstein Friesian cows got underway this week for the Kildare Holstein Friesian Breeders Club. It has...

Is pre-mowing an option for correcting grass quality?
Is pre-mowing an option for correcting grass quality?

As grass growth has taken off over the bank holiday weekend, a lot of farmers may be concerned about correcting...

Dairy advice: Are you milk recording on your farm?
Dairy advice: Are you milk recording on your farm?

Getting more farmers on board for milk recording and increasing the frequency of it is a key target for the...

Controlling weeds in your paddocks this summer
Controlling weeds in your paddocks this summer

Controlling weeds when they are at the most manageable stage is crucial, particularly now as grass growth has improved over...

Fertilising second-cut silage as soon as possible
Fertilising second-cut silage as soon as possible

With many farmers having cut their first-cut silage over the weekend or planning on cutting in the next number of...

How to control summer mastitis within your herd
How to control summer mastitis within your herd

Fly control around your cows during this time of the year is crucial in preventing cases of summer mastitis. Quite...

How to combat summer scour syndrome in your calves
How to combat summer scour syndrome in your calves

Research is still ongoing around the relatively new condition of summer scour syndrome, with many herds experiencing the condition in...

Dairy advice: Do you have a good milking routine?
Dairy advice: Do you have a good milking routine?

A good milking routine is hugely important, particularly when it comes to milking efficiency and hygiene standards. Cows are creatures...

Johne’s disease: Protecting your calves against exposure
Johne’s disease: Protecting your calves against exposure

As calves have been slowly getting out to pasture in recent weeks, it is important to protect them against Johne’s...

Thinking about bull safety as the breeding season continues
Thinking about bull safety as the breeding season continues

Bull safety should always be a priority on farms, but particularly during this time of year – as we are...

Dairy advice: Managing spring reseeded paddocks
Dairy advice: Managing spring reseeded paddocks

Although we had a very wet spring, a number of farmers were still able to get their paddocks reseeded. A...

Preventing lameness through grazing infrastructure
Preventing lameness through grazing infrastructure

Good grazing infrastructure plays a vital role in grazing management on farms. As well as that, a well designed farm...

Bailey’s Red Ladies Online Limousin Sale kicks off
Bailey’s Red Ladies Online Limousin Sale kicks off

A limousin herd which was established in 1998 by Tom Bailey, is the focus of an online sale which includes...

Dairy advice: The importance of sufficient water intake
Dairy advice: The importance of sufficient water intake

Peak water intake generally coincides with peak grazing periods. Cows should have easy access to water, particularly now that temperatures...

The importance of not delaying your first cut silage
The importance of not delaying your first cut silage

With the June bank holiday weekend looking like it will deliver promising weather, it is crucial that you do not...

When is it appropriate to let out the stock bull?
When is it appropriate to let out the stock bull?

For many farmers, it has been a tiresome few weeks getting cows back into calf, which may result in an...

Dr. Joe Patton on how grass quality will drive milk solids
Dr. Joe Patton on how grass quality will drive milk solids

The main concern for a lot of farmers around the country during the mid-season is grass quality, and whether or...