Rachel Martin

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Just 4% of TAMS payments made to female farmers
Just 4% of TAMS payments made to female farmers

Less than 4% of TAMS (Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme) payments went to female farmers. Out of 20,612 payments since 2016,...

E10 rollout to boost UK wheat and sugar markets
E10 rollout to boost UK wheat and sugar markets

Petrol pumps across the UK will now offer greener E10 petrol from today (September 1). The UK government says the...

Gloucester TB-positive alpaca destroyed, Defra confirms
Gloucester TB-positive alpaca destroyed, Defra confirms

The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has confirmed that Geronimo, a Gloucester-based alpaca that tested positive...

Bereavement service launched to help NI farm families
Bereavement service launched to help NI farm families

A new loss and bereavement service, Life Beyond, has been launched specifically for farm families in Northern Ireland. Rural Support...

NI’s ban on BVD untested animals to begin on Wednesday
NI’s ban on BVD untested animals to begin on Wednesday

Northern Ireland’s movement ban on BVD Untested animals is set to come into effect this Wednesday (September 1). It follows...

Livestock judges announced for 2021 Balmoral Show
Livestock judges announced for 2021 Balmoral Show

Judges have been announced for livestock classes at this year’s Balmoral Show. The 152nd Balmoral Show, run in partnership with...

Dairy farm joins Armagh Food & Cider Weekend line-up
Dairy farm joins Armagh Food & Cider Weekend line-up

Dromore dairy farm ‘Brookvale Farm’ has joined the line-up for this year’s Armagh Food and Cider Weekend. Richard and Pamela,...

Farmers urged to share their bovine TB story in NI consultation
Farmers urged to share their bovine TB story in NI consultation

Farmers have been urged to share their personal bovine TB story in response to the consultation over Northern Ireland’s new...

‘Where’s the cows daddy?’ UFU tells of farmers’ heartbreak over bovine TB
‘Where’s the cows daddy?’ UFU tells of farmers’ heartbreak over bovine TB

The chilling psychological effects of bovine TB have left some farmers unable to even enter their own yards, according to...

Vets overlooked in Northern Ireland’s future farming policy, says BVA
Vets overlooked in Northern Ireland’s future farming policy, says BVA

Northern Ireland’s Future Agricultural Policy Framework Portfolio misses an opportunity to capitalise on the expertise of local vets, the British...

UFU sets out its stance on NI’s new Agricultural Policy Framework
UFU sets out its stance on NI’s new Agricultural Policy Framework

The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) has welcomed the department’s proposed Future Agricultural Policy Framework Portfolio as a “step in the...

900 expressions of interest received for NI’s FBIS Tier 2 Tranche 2
900 expressions of interest received for NI’s FBIS Tier 2 Tranche 2

Around 900 Northern Ireland farmers have formally expressed their interest in applying for the second tranche of the Tier 2...

Environment to become a ‘profit centre’ rather than a cost on NI farms
Environment to become a ‘profit centre’ rather than a cost on NI farms

Actions to improve environmental sustainability will no longer be an “optional activity” for Northern Ireland farms, according to a document...

Poots launches NI’s first Agricultural Policy Framework
Poots launches NI’s first Agricultural Policy Framework

“Business as usual for many farms will not be an option,” Minister Poots warned as he launched the first look...

Holstein UK announces 2021 Premier Herd Competition finalists
Holstein UK announces 2021 Premier Herd Competition finalists

Seven of the UK’s top dairy herds have been put forward as finalists in Holstein UK’s 2021 Premier Herd Competition....

UK pork exports down £4 million for year so far
UK pork exports down £4 million for year so far

British government figures show the total value of UK pork exports has fallen by more than £4 million so far...

NI farmers urged to use EFS to improve water quality
NI farmers urged to use EFS to improve water quality

Northern Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Edwin Poots has reminded farmers of the potential to use the...

Farmers must debate NI’s bovine TB plans, says UFU
Farmers must debate NI’s bovine TB plans, says UFU

The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) is urging farmers to take a “hard look” at Northern Ireland’s proposed bovine TB (bTB)...