Over the Christmas period, we are going to take a look back at five of the most popular buildings Agriland paid a visit to – based on our analysis of your engagement – over the last 12 months.
The series ‘Back In Focus’ will be kicking off this weekend and it will continue right through until Sunday, January 2.
2021 has been a tough year on the building side of things, with Covid-19 slowing down the process of getting jobs finished.
Most of all however, 2021 has seen prices for building materials rise hugely and, as such, seen the cost of jobs rise in many cases by 20-30% – with some even seeing as much of a rise as 50%.
It has seen resulted in some farmers holding off on doing any building work, while for others it was a case of having to plough on and get the job done.
So as a reminder, Agriland is going to look back on some of the impressive new buildings that have gone up in recent times, that were reported on in 2021.
All of these new builds were located in many different areas of the country and give a good idea of the different farming systems that are in place right across Ireland.
So if you missed, or can’t find a new build we covered, fear not, as there is a good chance it will be coming to you once again over the Christmas period.
If you are interested in seeing more of the new builds Agriland covered in 2021 – and even going back further – be sure to check out the Buildings section here.
You will find just about every type of new build, whether it be a milking parlour, calf house, suckler shed, finishing unit or a sheep shed.
To give you a glimpse of what’s coming, take a look at the gallery of images (below) showing some shots taken of the new builds that are going to feature over the Christmas period.