Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue has confirmed that the balancing payments under the 2020 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and Greening have now commenced.
The commencement of the BPS balancing payments, announced today (Tuesday, December 1) will bring the total paid under the 2020 scheme to €1.13 billion to over 121,000 farmers, the Department of Agriculture said.
The Minister stated: “In mid-October my department began issuing 70% advance payments under the BPS to farmers across the country. This year saw over 97% of eligible farmers receiving an advance payment in the first pay run.
Regular pay runs have been in place since October, and I am happy to confirm that the 30% balancing payments under the BPS have now commenced on schedule.
He continued: “My priority is to ensure that payments to support our farm families across the country are issued promptly. I am acutely aware of the importance of the BPS not only to farmers, but also to the overall rural economy.
“My department continues to issue payments across a range of schemes at a rate which compares very well to our European counterparts,” the minister added.
The minister also confirmed that payments under the 2020 National Reserve and the Young Farmers Scheme will also commence alongside BPS payments.
On this, Minister McConalogue said: “I am pleased that payments under the National Reserve and the Young Farmers Scheme are also being issued, as both payments play really important roles in supporting younger farmers and new entrants.
Supporting these farmers encourages generational renewal which is a key priority for this government.
Regular pay runs will remain in place under the 2020 BPS as further cases are cleared for payment, the minister noted. He urged any farmers who have outstanding queries from the Department to respond as soon as possible in order to facilitate payment.
Balancing payments under the Areas of Natural Constraints (ANC) scheme are scheduled to commence next week.