With scanning starting to commence on lowland flocks throughout the country, initial reports suggest a bumper lamb crop could be on the cards.
According to Roscommon-based scanner Dominick Black, who works across the country, results from flocks he has scanned suggest an above average lamb crop next spring.
“Sheep are in super condition, after a fantastic summer,” Black noted. “On average I am seeing scanning results of 170%.
“However, I have seen some unbelievable results well over 200%, I scanned one Limerick flock which returned an amazing result of 215%.”
Results over 2oo% were largely from smaller flocks and those which were on particularly good grass, he said.
Black said that the scanning season hasn’t got into full swing yet, with predominately only early lambing flocks scanned to date.
“It’s likely to take off the week before Christmas and I will be flat out from then on through January,” he said.
Interestingly, Black also outlined that he has found that many sheep farmers are set to lamb down their sheep later in 2015.
“It looks at the moment that I will be particularly busy in February, a lot of farmers which I scan for are set to lamb later this year.
“I know of a lot of bigger flocks which are pushing back lambing, these guys are trying to reduce costs by finishing there lambs off grass.”
While Black is confident scanning results are likely to be above average across the country, he cautioned that a harsh spring can often balance things out.