Ballyjamesduff Mart held its first sales of the new year this week, with sales returning on Tuesday, January 4, to the Cavan-based mart.
While many marts remained closed this week a small number reopened for the new year with the first sales of 2022 taking place.
The tail end of 2021 saw a good demand for calves from farmers and agents, but with the spring calves soon to be arriving at marts, will this demand continue?
Concern still remains about what will happen to live exports in the future and calf-rearing cost inputs continue to rise on calf-to-beef farms.
On Tuesday, January 4, Ballyjamesduff held its weekly calf sale and the first sale of the new year.
Speaking to Agriland, John Tevlin, Ballyjamesduff Mart manager, stated that: “The entry of calves at the sale was small, but trade was good. With farmers being the most active on the day.”
Commenting on the prices achieved, Tevlin said: “Top price of the day went to Limousin cross (LMX) bull, born on December 2; he sold for €550. Second highest price was another LMX bull, also born on December 2; he made €460.
“Hereford-cross calves made from €300 to €340, with Angus cross making from €210 to €220.
“There was also a number of Friesian bulls at the sale, which made from €50 to €170.”
Herd health plan
As the new year kicks-off, a job that every farmer should be doing is developing a herd health plan.
The main aim or purpose of a herd health plan is to maintain a good level of animal health, which will allow for maximum economic return to be made on the farm.
This plan could include vaccination programmes, calf rearing practices and more, to achieve and maintain a level of animal health.