The 30ac Camus organic farm in west Cork capitalises on its scenic location and proximity to beaches, by incorporating everything from a restaurant, to music sessions.
Vic Sprake, who worked on a dairy farm as a teenager, returned to farming at the age of 40. He bought Camus farm – which is centered on three large stone buildings dating from 1850 – in 2007, and converted it to an organic system, maintaining a suckler herd of around 30 Dexter cattle.
Initially, he sold the beef in Clonakilty market and supplied several local restaurants. Now he sells from his farm shop and serves it in the on-farm restaurant ‘The Field Kitchen’ which opened last May.
Camus Farm
Wild camping has been permitted at Camus farm, which is situated 6km from Clonakilty, from the start, with landscaped pitches created in 2017. Facilities are upgraded annually.
Music sessions and performances have been hosted since 2007.
“We have hosted numerous activities in support of local festivals including Clonakilty bike festival; Clonakilty guitar festival; Clonakilty games festival; Clonakilty old-time fair; Cork backgammon tournament; Clonakilty St. Patrick’s Day parade; Clonakilty Samhain celebration; and Clonakilty Bealtaine celebration,” said Vic.
“We hosted outdoor concerts on-farm every Sunday evening through summers since 2018.”
Workshops and classes have been held on Camus farm since 2007. The focus has been on rural crafts including willow basketry, macrame and felting, along with well-being classes such as yoga, meditation and community singing.
Nature trails were added in 2020.
“Last year has been our busiest year to date as people increasingly value the natural world and seek outdoor activities such as camping, workshops, walking and dining, as restrictions have allowed.
“In 2022, we will be available for private hire for events such as hand-fastings, naming ceremonies and birthday celebrations. We will also be introducing guest chefs for special feast nights over winter,” Vic concluded.