Despite speculation in recent months that Midlands-North-West MEP, Matt Carthy, could be returning to the chambers of Leinster House, the Sinn Fein representative has today (Thursday, January 31) stated his intention to contest the European Parliament elections in May of this year.
In his newsletter for January 2019, Carthy said: “I am pleased to confirm that I will be accepting the nominations I have received to go before the Sinn Fein convention which will select a candidate to contest the European Parliament elections in May for the Midlands-North-West constituency.”
Mentioning the ongoing Brexit developments, he added that the parliament will also see “big debates” around the reform of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) post-2020 and on “the future of Europe itself”.
Mayo ‘Farming and Rural Communities’ event
Also outlined in the newsletter was a public meeting – which Carthy is hosting – in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, tomorrow (Friday, February 1). The title of the meeting is ‘Protecting Family Farms and Rural Communities’.
- Senator Rose Conway Walsh;
- Padraic Joyce Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA);
- Colm O’Donnell, Irish Natura And Hill Farmers Association (INHFA);
- Liam Scollan, Leadership and Community Coach.
A broad range of topics will be covered at the event including Brexit, CAP, unfair trading practices and the Western Rail Corridor.
The event takes place at 8:00pm in The McWilliam Park Hotel, Claremorris, Co. Mayo on Friday, February 1. All are welcome to attend the event.