The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has issued a recall notice for a batch of cheese due to the presence of E. coli.
A batch of Joyce’s Supermarkets of Galway Tipperary Brie has been recalled, and point-of-sale recall notices are to be displayed in stores supplied with the product.
The details of the implicated batch include: pack size – 155g; approval number – IE 1089 EC; and use-by date – November 17, 2021.
E. coli at the levels detected indicate a possible hygiene issue and the potential for the presence of harmful bacteria.
Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batch from sale, and consumers are advised not to eat this batch.
FSAI event
On November 18, a ‘food safety culture – how food businesses and customers benefit’ event will take place.
The Food Safety Consultative Council (FSCC) of the FSAI acts as a forum for debate on food safety issues and provides advice to the FSAI board on areas of relevance.
Through its regular meetings, the FSCC examines issues relevant to all parts of the food chain, from farm gate to fork, and reviews food safety initiatives proposed or already in place aimed at protecting consumers and ensuring their health and interests are foremost.
This open meeting will discuss the recently-introduced EU regulation which requires food businesses to establish, maintain and demonstrate an appropriate food safety culture within their business.
The regulation, which amends an existing food safety regulation, requires food businesses to provide evidence of an appropriate food safety culture by satisfying a number of requirements set out in the regulation.
The event will provide participants insights into the role of and consequences of food safety culture for three distinct groups in the food system cycle: the safety of all of us as consumers; industry practitioners engaged in providing food for consumers worldwide; and regulators seeking to increase both public health and increased trade.