Domestic milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers was estimated at 433.6 million litres for October 2014 according to latest CSO figures. This was 3.7% above the corresponding 2013 figure.
Milk production so far in 2014 is now running some 5.9% ahead 2013 with the total intake standing at 5,227 million litres.
Comparing the October 2014 milk produce figures with those for October 2013 shows that total milk sold for human consumption decreased by 1.2% to 40.0 million litres and butter production was down 5.2% to 13,400 tonnes.
This week the Milk Market Observatory released figures showing EU cow’s milk collection increased by 4.9% in September 2014 compared to the same month last year. The cumulated deliveries in the first nine months of 2014 were 5.5% higher than in year 2013.
The increased supply has lead to the production of 26.0% more SMP, 11.2% more WMP, 4.8% more cream, 4.1% more butter, 2.6% more cheese, 2.4% more concentrated milk and 0.1% more drinking milk. Negative figures were only reported for fermented milk (-2.9%).
New Zealand milk production increased by 14.2% in the first eight months of 2014 compared to 2013. In the first three months of the new 2014-15 season (June 2014 to May 2015), milk production has been 5.1% over 2012-13 levels. In September 2014, the milk price recorded for New Zealand slightly decreased by 0.4% to 26.86 c/kg, cumulating a 34% decrease in four months.
Australian milk production up to September 2014 has increased by 4.2% compared to the same period in 2013. In the first three months of the new 2014-15 season (July 2014 to May 2015) milk production has increased by 2.8%.
Milk production in the US increased by 4.0% in September 2014 compared to the same month last year, being the biggest surge this year. In the first nine months of 2014, US cumulated milk production increased by 2.0%. The USDA estimates milk production in 2014 to be 2.5% higher than in 2013.