The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) is still processing 540 applications made under tranche 1 of the new Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3).
According to the latest statistics provided by the department, an additional 69 applications were approved in the week up to Friday, April 26.
This means that 6,882 or almost 84% of the 8,203 applications made under tranche 1 have now been cleared by officials.
The department began issued approvals for tranche 1 back in December and has been gradually making its way through applications since.
Currently, 577 applications have been rejected by the department, while some 204 applications have been withdrawn.
The following table provides a breakdown of the status of applications under the 10 TAMS 3 schemes:
Scheme Applications Rejected Withdrawn In progress Approved Animal Welfare Nutrient Storage Scheme 2,494 182 71 233 2,008 Dairy Equipment Scheme 235 19 3 19 194 Farm Safety Capital Investment Scheme 2,050 220 53 75 1,702 Low Emission Slurry Spreading 551 4 11 0 536 Organic Capital Investment Scheme 928 36 20 33 839 Pig & Poultry Investment Scheme 49 0 0 2 47 Solar Capital Investment Scheme 751 53 14 91 593 Tillage Capital Investment Scheme 445 28 17 6 394 Women Farmer Capital Investment Scheme 259 20 7 37 195 Young Farmer Capital Investment Scheme 441 15 8 44 374 Total 8,203 577 204 540 6,882
The data shows that an additional 38 applications were approved under the Animal Welfare Nutrient Storage Scheme during the week.
2,008 out of 2,494 applications have been approved, 233 are still “in progress”, 182 were rejected and 71 withdrawn.
There were 9 further approvals issued for the Women Farmer Capital Investment Scheme.
37 out of 259 applications made under this scheme are still being processed, 195 have been approved, 20 rejected and 7 withdrawn.
Last week there were 7 approvals each granted in the Farm Safety Capital Investment Scheme, Young Farmer Capital Investment Scheme and the Solar Capital Investment Scheme.
There were no further approvals issued in the past week for the following schemes: Dairy Equipment Scheme, Pig and Poultry Investment Scheme and the Tillage Capital Investment Scheme.
Low Emission Slurry Spreading remains the only scheme where all applications have been dealt with by the department.
Meanwhile, the number of applications made by farmers under tranche 3 of new Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) is down by almost 60% when compared with the previous round.
Figures released by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) show that 3,802 applications were submitted under tranche 3, compared to 9,110 in tranche 2.
That data provided to Agriland shows that the Farm Safety Capital Investment Scheme (FSCIS) was once again the most popular scheme in this latest tranche with 1,055 applications.
However, this is down from the 3,113 applications made under the scheme in tranche 2 and the 2,050 applications submitted in tranche 1.
The Animal Welfare Nutrient Storage Scheme was the second most popular scheme in tranche 3 with 998 applications.