The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has released its Recommended List and Teagasc Pasture Profit Index (PPI) for 2018.
The Teagasc PPI compares and ranks grass varieties based on economic worth and was established in 2015 as a guide to help farmers.
The index is designed as a guide to assist in variety selection when planning to reseed. It indicates the relative profitability difference of grass varieties when compared to base values.
Intermediate tetraploid seed AberClyde is the highest-performing variety overall on the PPI once again this year, at €225/ha/year, combining seasonal, growth and quality criteria. Moving up from €206/ha/year in 2017, the variety is bred by IBERS in Wales.
AberChoice meanwhile is the highest-performing late diploid at €194/ha/year, while AberMagic has maintained its position as top intermediate diploid at €217/ha/year – and second highest ranked variety overall.
Fintona, an intermediate tetraploid bred by AFBI and making its second appearance on the recommended list following its introduction last year, came out third overall at €215/ha/year.
Highest-ranking late tetraploid for 2018 is Aberplentiful, with a heading date of June 8, which offers €203/ha/year.
According to Tipperary-based seed specialist Germinal Seeds, higher-quality varieties have the potential to support higher animal intake and performance, achieving better ‘graze-outs’ resulting in increased grass utilisation – which is a proven driver of farm profitability.
The full Recommended List for Grass and White Clover Varieties 2018 is available to view here.