A food-packaging factory in Co. Donegal has tweaked its facilities to join in the effort to produce personal protection equipment (PPE) for front-line workers during Covid-19 – and will now churn out up to 10 million face shields a week over the coming weeks.
The firm in question, Rapid Action Packaging (RAP), has turned over its production line to manufacture the disposable PPE face shield equipment.
‘The company has already begun operations by producing one million face shields, of which the first 65,000 have been earmarked for free distribution to care homes across Ireland and the UK,” the Donegal firm confirmed in a statement.
RAP is able to reach full-scale production immediately in order to deliver between seven and 10 million face shields a week.
Prior to the coronavirus crisis, the plant’s designs were normally used to produce protective and hygiene food packaging for sandwiches, hot products, chilled meats and ready meals.
The company’s customers include coffee shops, independents, convenience stores and various retailer multiples.
The solution is intended for use among health support workers, cleaners, teaching staff, retail operatives and any other public facing role where PPE of this type is typically unavailable.
Graham Williams, CEO of RAP, said: “With the difficult challenges being faced by the care sector, we felt it only fitting that we started our PPE journey with a donation of face shields to the industry.”