Below average rainfall was recorded, in parts of the South, Southeast and in isolated areas along western coasts reporting rainfall values of around 50% of normal.
According to Met Eireann Sherkin Island and Johnstown Castle reported 66.6mm (51% of its LTA) and 43.5mm (40% of its LTA), respectively, their driest December since 1991 (23 years).
It says a few other stations in southern areas reported their driest December in six to 18 years.
However, Met Eireann also says rainfall was above average in parts of the West, Midlands, Northwest and North, reporting monthly percentage of Long-Term Average (LTA) values of up to 155% (Newport with 285.6 mm of precipitation).
Mean air temperatures slightly above average nearly everywhere
According to Met Eireann mean temperatures December were mainly on or above their normal averages.
Highest maxima were mainly recorded on the 17th, 18th and 21st, with the month’s highest temperature of 14.0°C recorded at Fermoy (Moore Park) on the 18th, while another Cork station at
Roche’s Point reported its highest December maximum in seven years on the 17th with 13.2°C.
Lowest air and grass minimum temperatures were during the final few days of the month, with both the lowest air and grass temperature reported on December 29th.
Mullingar had the lowest air temperature with -6.9°C and Markree had the lowest grass temperature with -10.5°C.