Farm organisations have been urged to explore what options may be available for farming communities to benefit from a new €1 million Local Authority-led CCTV scheme.
According to Senator Victor Boyhan farming organisations should liaise with Local Authorities and community networks to discuss potential opportunities to get involved in the new scheme.
“We know in some rural communities that there has been a high number of break-ins and that there has also been significant fly-tipping and dumping in many areas and the use of CTTV could be a very important deterrent in relation to both these issues.
“Therefore this scheme could present opportunities for farming communities to develop proposals for new CCTV schemes in their area,” Senator Boyhan added.
He believes that the results of existing schemes such as those in Duleek and Donore are good examples of what can be achieved with a partnership approach.
The new €1 million CCTV scheme was opened by the Minister for Justice Helen McEntee earlier this month who said “interested community groups” should engage with the Local Authorities to highlight the need for schemes in their areas.
According to Minister McEntee grants of over €950,000 have been approved to date for 35 local CCTV schemes.
The minister said this “new wave” of funding underlines her department’s commitment to work with Local Authorities to promote community safety.
“It’s a top priority for this Government.
“Everyone has the right to feel safe and be safe in their communities,” she added.
The Department of Justice said the scheme has been reformed to give Local Authorities the lead role and to allow community groups to request local authorities to consider schemes in their area.
“Funding is now available to cover not only new CCTV systems but to allow funding applications to extend or upgrade existing CCTV schemes which are incomplete or obsolete.
“Local Authorities can now also seek a once-off grant of up to €5,000 for minor maintenance costs,” the department has detailed.
Funding is also now available to cover not only new CCTV systems but to allow funding applications to extend or upgrade existing CCTV schemes.
The maximum grant available for each CCTV system is €45,000.
Any proposed community CCTV system must:
- Be approved by the local Joint Policing Committee;
- Have the authorisation of the Garda Commissioner;
- Have the prior support of the relevant local authority which must also undertake to act as data controller.