Prices for timber have remained stable in the second quarter of the year, according to a forestry timber market survey by the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA).

The IFA Timber Price Survey shows no major changes in prices received across all timber products since the first quarter of the year.

The survey found that ‘roadside’ prices for Sitka spruce timber were as follows:

  • Pulpwood prices ranged from €36-€40/t;
  • Stalkwood prices ranged from €42-€52/t;
  • Palletwood prices ranged from €48-€66/t, depending on the length produced;
  • Sawlog prices ranged from €88-€100/t.

The prices quoted in the IFA Timber Price Survey were sourced from forest owners, forestry companies and sawmills.

Timber prices

Commenting on the survey, Jason Fleming, the chairperson of the IFA’s Farm Forestry Committee said: “Timber prices have been stable in the first half of 2024 with prices signaling a steady market demand.”

According to Fleming, the stability in the Irish timber market reflects the broader trends across the EU and global markets, which remained balanced without any major disruptions.

“There is some variation in prices around the country and it is important for farmers to look around to optimise their return,” Fleming said.

Small-scale forestry planting

In other forestry news, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has issued 244 approvals for small-scale planting of 266ha under the Native Tree Area Scheme (NTAS) so far this year.

The small-scale planting scheme allows farmers to plant up to 1ha of native woodland without a licence, or up to 2ha if they have a suitable watercourse to plant along.

In addition to the approvals issued under the NTAS, the department approved the overall planting of 1,939ha of forestry up until the week ending last Friday (June 14).

This includes an area of 209ha which was approved for afforestation by the department over the past fortnight, according to the latest Forestry Licencing Dashboard.

An area of 613ha has been planted so far in 2024. The department said this only reflects afforestation that has been paid at first grant stage this year to date, including the NTAS.