The Green Party spokesperson for agriculture, Pippa Hackett, has been elected to the Seanad.
Commenting earlier today, Friday, November 1, senator Hackett, who became the first Green Party councillor to be elected to Offaly County Council in May of this year, said:
“This is an immense honour and privilege for me, and I sincerely thank all of those who have supported me in my election to Seanad Éireann.
“I am looking forward to being a voice for rural Ireland, and I will be honoured to also represent the people of Offaly and Laois as their sole senator,” Hackett added.
I will represent farmers who are tired of the status quo and want to see a new vision for agriculture in Ireland; one that works in tune with our environment and biodiversity and that provides a better future for our family farmers.
The senator added that she will “be a voice for women, for our natural environment and heritage, and for the welfare of our animals”.
“Above all, I will be a green voice in the Seanad, and I look forward to working with my fellow senators, and with my parliamentary party colleagues Eamon Ryan and Catherine Martin, to help shape a better, greener future for Ireland.”
Speaking today, Green Party leader Eamon Ryan added: “Pippa will be a fantastic addition to the Seanad.
“She brings real experience as a mother, farmer and councillor that can inform the debate in the Seanad, especially at a time when our agricultural system is in real crisis.”