95 ‘fast tractors’ have undergone roadworthiness testing since the measure was first introduced on May 20, 2018. That’s according to the RSA (Road Safety Authority).
This figure encompasses tractors tested up until the end of April – the most recent point for which data is currently available.
According to the RSA, 35 of these 95 vehicles passed the test. 60 failed and needed to undergo a retest. 11 of the vehicles that failed were recorded as having a ‘Fail – Dangerous‘ outcome.
Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Testing (CVRT) was introduced for so-called ‘fast tractors’ last year. According to the RSA, a ‘fast tractor’ is defined as a wheeled tractor in category ‘T’ with a maximum design speed exceeding 40kph.
If owners are unsure of a tractor’s maximum design speed, the authority advises that contact be made with “the vehicle manufacturer or an authorised Irish tractor distributor”.
Does your tractor need to be tested?
The RSA stipulates that a ‘fast tractor’ does not have to undergo a test if it is used:
- For the purposes of agricultural, horticultural, forestry, farming or fishery activity solely within the state and mainly on the land where such activity takes place, including agricultural roads, forestry roads or agricultural fields;
- Exclusively on a small island. This exclusion from the requirement for compulsory testing applies to all of the islands off the Irish coast.
To assist tractor owners who may be unsure as to whether a tractor is required to undergo a Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test, the RSA has prepared an info-graphic – a JPEG image of which is shown below:
If you have a suitable viewer (application) on your PC, tablet or smart-phone, click on this link to open up a PDF of the info-graphic.
For tractors that do need to be tested, the first test is due when the vehicle is four years old – i.e. from the fourth anniversary of first registration. After that, it must be tested every two years.
The test costs €146.52 (excluding VAT) for a ‘fast tractor’ with a DGVW (Design Gross Vehicle Weight) exceeding 3,500kg but not exceeding 7,500kg. A retest costs €47.26.
For ‘fast tractors’ with a DGVW exceeding 7,500kg, the test costs €171.16 (or €59.08 for a retest).
In any case, given the available exemptions, the test applies only to a relatively small number of tractors across the country.