President of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association (ICMSA) Denis Drennan has said that a budget increase must follow the “elevation” of food security in the European strategic agenda.
The recently published Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 states that the EU will aim to promote a “competitive, sustainable and resilient” agricultural sector that continues to ensure food security.
The agenda also states that it will “strengthen” the position of farmers in the food supply
Drennan said that the agenda “signals a commitment” to dealing with the “here and now” challenges.
However he said that the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) needs to be “reorientated” to deliver policies by member states and the commission.
“This strategic agenda that will run up to 2029 understands that reality and starts from that point. That is welcome and hopefully represents a move towards reality over aspiration,” Drennan said.
Drennan said that farmers “accepted” the need to move forward on lowering emissions and mitigating climate change, but that it “could not be the sole focus” of a farm and food policy.
Food security
“We have ended up with a direct payments system that’s actually weighted against a farmer producing food and in favour of someone actually reducing the amount of food produced from their holding.
“It’s the exact opposite of what is required and what CAP was designed to do,” Drennan said.
Drennan added that ensuring food is available firstly is “at least as important” as ensuring that the food was produced in the “most sustainable fashion”.
“There’s just no point in recognising the need for food security if the farmers you are looking to for that food security are being wiped out through lack of supports,” Drennan said.
“At least they can see the change that’s needed; now we need to see the budget follow that realisation,” he added.