The four winners of the 2023 John Feely Foundation Scholarships were presented with their individual cheques for €1500 by the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association (ICMSA).
The money was awarded at a reception held in ICMSA’s Limerick Head Office, John Feely House, also named for the influential early leader of the organisation.
The successful students included: Michael Tully from Fivealley, Birr, Co. Offaly; Alex Redmond from Rosenallis, Co. Laois; Eoin Murphy from Coolclougher, Boherbue, Co. Cork and Joseph Cronin from Riverville, Farranfore, Co. Kerry.
The group was chosen at the ICMSA annual general meeting (AGM) last November.
John Feely Foundation
The draw is open to sons and daughters of ICMSA members engaged in their first year of studying farming or specified farm-related courses at accredited institutions or colleges.
John Feely was leader of the association from July 1961 until October 1968.
The annual scholarships are awarded to four students in their first year of an agricultural course at one of the following agricultural colleges: Clonakilty; Kildalton; Pallaskenry; Gurteen; Mountbellew; Ballyhaise; or studying an agriculture-related course in another third level institution.
ICMSA president Denis Drennan appealed to the young farming students to stay in contact with the organisation and to engage with their fellow farmers through responsible groups.
He said the groups could “analyse and help bring forward” the solutions that would allow their own and future generations of Irish farmers to “thrive”.
A scholarship is reserved for each of the ICMSA’s four regions and nominations must be made by a member and submitted from September to a published date before the AGM.