One of the candidates in the race for IFA deputy president, Richard Kennedy, has said that it was a mistake to send letters which breach IFA election rules.
Kennedy wrote to branch secretaries asking for their support and asking that the letters are read out before voting.
Kennedy said, when contacted, that it was a mistake on his part to ask for the letter to be read out.
However, he also said he would not be in a position to contact all the branch secretaries to ask them not to read out the letter asking for his vote, and said that it was up to the returning officer to ensure they are not read out.
“This was a genuine mistake and I did not try to pull a fast one.”
He also said that he had not canvassed door to door as was discouraged during the election by IFA HQ.
IFA sent all presidential and deputy candidates a note in February stating that no election literature or letters from any candidates are to be read at Branch meetings.
He also said that he was not on the original email from IFA HQ, although some of his campaign helpers were on the email list.
IFA also told candidates that it would circulate members invited to branch meetings with the IFA Election Special Newsletter which will have material from each candidate.
Kildare candidate Pat Farrell said he had written to branch chairmen and secretaries but had not asked for the letters to be read out to branches. “I outlined what I stand for and what I have said at the debates, but I did not ask for the letters to be read out.”
Nigel Renaghan said he had sent his campaign leaflet to branch chairmen but did not ask for the material to be read out at meetings or to voters.
Over 350 branches of 947 have voted to date, with turnout varying from county to county and region to region.
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