Farmers have been reminded that they have just over one month to compete the carbon navigator, a key requirement, under the Department of Agriculture’s Beef Data and Genomics Programme.
To receive payment and to avoid penalties, farmers are required to have the carbon navigator completed by October 31.
The Department of Agriculture has recently issued reminders to all BDGP participants instructing them to complete the carbon navigator with their advisor.
The BDGP was introduced in 2015 as part of Ireland’s Rural Development Programme and it is a world’s first in terms of bringing genomic technology to beef farmers.
It also says that the programme can help to drive on-farm profitability while adding greatly to the Irish national sustainability agenda.
“Completing this element of the programme will also ensure that all participating farmers have a better understanding of how to reduce their agricultural emissions per unit of output while at the same time improve their farm efficiency,” Minister Creed said.
Further details regarding the requirement to complete the carbon navigator can be found on the Department’s website at or by contacting the Beef Schemes Section either at 076 1064423 or by e-mail at [email protected].