Josephine O’Neill, from Callan in Co. Kilkenny, is the second candidate to launch a campaign to become the next president of Macra, succeeding Elaine Houlihan.

Coming from a beef and tillage background, the Kilkenny woman explained that since becoming a member almost 12 years ago, Macra has been a huge part of her life.

“Macra has huge scope to grow and develop as a well balanced organisation that meets the needs of so many members,” O’Neill told Agriland.

“My parents were both members of Macra, and my cousins were all members of Callan Macra. [When I joined] one of my cousins needed a third member for a public speaking team. She gave me a call, and it went from there.”

O’Neill teaches home economics and Irish at Presentation De La Salle College, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow. Throughout her time as a member, she has served on several boards and committees.

“I have been the club chair and club secretary for Callan Macra. At county level, I have been the county treasurer. I am currently the national council representative for Kilkenny, and I am the national chairperson of the Macra board,” she said.


With candidates still announcing their intentions to run for president, O’Neill is keeping her cards close to her chest.

“I am not giving away too much at the moment, I don’t want to give away my insider secrets,” she said.

“In the last few weeks, Macra has organised the public consultations on generational renewal. Building a rural Ireland that is vibrant and resilient for all young people and young farmers is one of the biggest issues facing young farmers going forward.”

O’Neill is confident that if she is elected, she is the right person for the job.

“If I’m lucky enough to become the next president, I am confident that I can fulfil the role by representing all of our members,” she added.

“In my role as national chairperson over the past year, I’ve had to make some hard decisions for the betterment of the organisation,” she concluded.