Every effort is being made by the Department to ensure that all eligible applicants receive their TAMS approvals shortly, the Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed has said.
Responding to parliamentary questions this week on the ongoing delays in issuing approvals, the Minister said all of the grant applications received in Tranche One of the TAMS II Schemes have undergone administrative checks.
According to the Minister, over 860 full approvals have issued in addition to the 1,100 part approvals that issued to applicants who needed urgent dairy equipment and Low Emission Slurry Spreading Equipment.
“The remaining eligible applications in Tranche One continue to be processed as speedily as possible,” he said.
A further 755 applications from Tranche Two are with the local offices for approval and the remaining applications received for Tranche Two are undergoing the administrative checks, the Minister said.
Minister Creed, also outlined this week that the necessary IT development work is underway to enable applicants in the TAMS II Schemes who have completed works for which they were approved to make a payment claim.
He expects that payments will commence next month.
Scheme amendments
The IFA is seeking changes to the TAMS scheme to be implemented at the end of the year. Proposals include rubber slat mats, field drainage, underpasses, feed bins.
IFA is also suggesting the relaxation of the 5-year young farmer rule.