A greater effort is needed by the government to help promote farm safety across the country, according to Fianna Fail’s Seanad Spokesperson on Agriculture, Senator Paul Daly.
Senator Daly raised the issue in the Seanad last week following the tragic death of two more people on Irish farms.
He said: “It’s deeply worrying that we have seen 17 people lose their lives on Irish farms so far this year.
“We clearly have to do much more work to help promote farm safety and highlight the dangers that face farming families on a daily basis.
“This is particularly important at this time of the year, considering we are facing into the winter months – which brings its own dangers due to poor weather conditions and a reduced number of daylight hours for farmers to carry out their work,” the senator noted.
“I raised this issue in the Seanad this week and called on the government to step up its efforts to promote farm safety.
In particular I highlighted the ridiculous situation whereby the Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture cannot discuss farm safety due to a technicality.
“This issue arises as the Health and Safety Authority falls under the remit of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation.
“I firmly believe that the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee is best placed to devise a strategy to promote farm safety. The government needs to let this discussion occur instead of attempting to stifle it.
I have received a commitment that both the Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Enterprise will come before the Seanad to discuss this issue and ensure that action is taken to promote farm safety.
Concluding, Senator Daly said: “I will be holding the government to account and ensuring that this commitment is delivered on.”