Most winter barley, wheat and oat crops are at growth stage (gs)30 and all regions reported lower than normal plant counts due to the extreme wet over the winter, according to Teagasc.
Yields will be determined over the next number of weeks, so Teagasc is advising growers to prioritise crops for inputs.
Winter Barley
Most winter barley crops are at gs30/31, however it says that crops are thinner than last year so every effort must be made to keep tillers viable.
Growers should complete the main split of nitrogen, if not already done. Total N at Index 1 – 180kg/ha (144u/ac).
If going higher, it says to consider a third split at gs32-37 but no later as barley does not use late nitrogen efficiently.
Barley needs its nitrogen working before you see the flag leaf.
Teagasc suggest a three-spray program for applying fungicide to winter barley:
- First spray – gs30 (late March).
- Second spray – gs32-33 (mid April).
- Third spray – gs39-49 (early May).
Popular options include: 0.6L/ha Siltra, 1.6L/ha Bontima, 1.8L/ha Ceriax, Proline plus SDHI (Vertisan, Imtrex, Zulu etc)/strobilurin.
Teagasc trials continue to show that in a correctly timed program, it is difficult to separate the top products. It recommends adding Bravo to the last spray.
It advises applying a plant growth regulator (PGR) between gs32-37 for effective shortening, e.g., Terpal 1.2-1.5L/ha, Cerone 0.5-0.7L/ha, etc.
If your first spray goes on at gs31/32, then it says a two-spray program is appropriate but ensure the PGR is applied before gs37 (in a separate spray).
Winter Wheat
For winter wheat, growers should complete the main nitrogen application now (before gs32). Apply the final split (if needed) at flag leaf.
It recommends applying a PGR by first node (gs31) and options include 2.0L/ha CCC 75% plus or minus adjuvant, K2, Meteor, Canopy, Moddus mix etc.
Temperatures need to be greater than 8 degrees Celsius for the best effect.
Teagsc has the following advice for applying fungicides to winter wheat:
A T0 treatment gives a little insurance if disease pressure builds before the T1 (mid/late April).
Do not apply triazoles as it will reduce your septoria control at later, more important timings. Treat mildew and rust (if present) at T0.
Apply when third last leaf has emerged (April 20-30).
Options: Bravo + 80-100% of SDHI mixes (Adexar, Aviator, Cauldron, Seguris, Treoris+triazole, etc.) Cauldron, Venture, Proline, Seguris and Treoris offer control of eyespot.
Add a morpholine where mildew is present (check variety ratings). For detailed fungicide programs, talk to your advisor.
Winter Oats
Teagasc says that all winter oat crops are at least at gs30 and that disease levels are increasing but crops are stressed so be careful with tank mixes.
It recommends that all crops should receive their full nitrogen by first node (next two weeks).
The best growth regulation is achieved when crop is at second node (GS32-33), according to Teagasc. Options include 2.0L/ha of CCC 75% or Ceraide 1.4L/ha or Moddus 0.2L/ha plus CCC 75% 1.0L/ha, etc.
Disease control should start early with the first signs of mildew; Tocata 1.0L/ha or Folicur 0.5L/ha plus Corbel 0.3L/ha are all options for fungicides.