Over 37,000 applications have been received by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) for area-based schemes, including the Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) scheme.
The latest data provided by the department shows that 37,314 applications had been made as of Monday, April 15.
It comes as farmers and advisors have now less than a month left to complete and submit applications.
The closing date for BISS applications in 2024 is Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
Last year, the department received a total of 124,664 BISS applications from farmers across the country.
Cork was the county with the highest number of applications in 2023 at almost 12,500.
Under the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) has been replaced by the BISS.
According to the department, the new scheme is “designed to provide a direct income support to Irish farmers to underpin their continued sustainability and viability”.
The maximum payment that will be granted to any one farmer under the BISS, in any one scheme year is capped at an effective rate of €66,000.
In February, the department issued BISS information packs in the post to farmers to help them make an online application.
The pack contains a BISS help sheet, an Area Monitoring System (AMS) leaflet, maps, cover letter and a statement of lands.
Farmers can apply for all elements of direct payments (BISS, Eco-Schemes, Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers, Protein Aid, National Reserve, transferring of entitlements) online.
The department said that this helps to ensure that it can “process all applications under these schemes as efficiently as possible”.
Annual payment claims for the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM), Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) and the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) can also be made online.
Farmers who want to contact the department in relation to online applications can do so at:
- 049 4368288 in relation to queries on registering for www.agfood.ie – for example queries on lost passwords, how to register etc;
- 057 8674422 in relation to queries on completing the BISS application once registered on www.agfood.ie or to request a paper copy of the terms and conditions.